Wednesday 17 May 2017

María's Language Portfolio

I am María Guijarro and I'm 20 years old. I live in a village not far from Valencia, just 20 minutes away, called Moncada. I have always lived there.

I share this town with my best friends and most of my family. My father was born in Valencia capital and my mother grew up in a village in the province of Cuenca. So few of my relatives usually speak Valencian. However, I have lived with this second language since I was a child, because in my school I was taught several courses in Valencian.

Nowadays I am studying Teaching in the University of Valencia, and here they also demand a certain level of this dialect, as many teachers carry their classes in this Valencian language.
This year I have started my English mention, in order to become an English teacher. That is why most of the subjects are in this language. I have to say that I have been studying English since I was four, not only at school; also I went to a Private Academy.

That's why, if we talk about bilingualism which is defined as being able to speak two or more languages ​​properly, from different perspectives I noted that in my case is a precocious bilingualism and environmental, as I pointed out, despite not being my first language I have been in contact with Valencian and English languages since I started my studies, so I purchased nearly two languages ​​simultaneously.

After all this, the question might be: I consider myself bilingual? And I like to think so, although I consider myself quite picky and that I may carry it to continue improving and reaching higher levels in my skills with the Valencian and English language.

When I was 16 years old, I decided to get the First Certificate in English (which corresponds to the level B1 of the common European Framework of reference for languages), since I was studying my first year of Bachillerato, and I wanted to improve my English before going to the University.
Three years later, I got the First Certificate in English (B2 level) when I was in my first year of the University.

Regarding to Valencian, I decided to get the Certificate “Grau Mitjà” in Valencian when I was 15 years old. But I did not pass it, so I am continuing preparing myself for it


According to Cambridge, getting the FCE implies having acquired the following skills that have to do with reading, grammar, writing, listening and speaking:
  • Reading and use of English (grammar) → I am able to understand texts that have been published, as well as fiction books, both general and specialized magazines and newspapers.
  • Writing → I am able to two different types of texts (one of them an essay)
  • Listening → I am able to follow and understand different oral materials
  • Speaking →I am able to communicate in real contexts

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